UKPA Podcasts 7 & 8

April 20, 2007 on 10:38 am | In event, Podcast, UKPA | 1 Comment

UKPA podcasts 7 and 8 are now available, from the BECTU event and the Radio Academy Production ’07 event respectively.

UKPA Podcast

April 17, 2007 on 8:32 am | In blog | Comments Off

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This is an occasional podcast which focusses on UK Podcasting-specific issues.


April 17, 2007 on 8:26 am | In blog | Comments Off

UK Podcasters Association is a membership organisation which aims to represent the interests and protect the rights of UK podcasters. Basic membership is completely free.

By joining you will be able to influence the development of the podcasting in the UK, and help to give UK podcasting a greater voice.

All UKPA members receive advice by email on any topic relating to podcasting, professional guidance, legal issues, newsletters, and campaign updates.

Full membership costs £3 per month if you’re a non-profit making podcaster, or £120 per year for a business, and gives you access to UK Podcasters Association facilities.

Full members have access to research conducted by UKPA and made available to it via its affiliates, partners and other national and international podcast groups. Full Members can also access internal data which other members make available to the UKPA community. To become a full member you must first join as a free member.

Click to join the Association

UK Podcasters Association One Year Old

April 13, 2007 on 1:41 pm | In blog, UKPA | Comments Off

Festivities break out all over podcastland, as the only UK national association for podcasters celebrates it’s first birthday today. True to the initial aims of the organisation, it continues to protect the rights of podcasters and promote podcasting, encouraging and mentoring at the grassroots level, and at the same time flying the podcast flag in the corporate echelons of mainstream media which podcasting has now joined and is steadily influencing.

“UKPA members are making all the running in UK new media, playing key roles in exciting and progressive projects. In business our members are making enormous headway, and we continue to grow as an organisation, both in terms of numbers and stature,” said UKPA Chairman Dean Whitbread.

Podcasting News

April 12, 2007 on 11:55 am | In blog, music, Press | 1 Comment

Podcasting Is Selling MusicPodcasting News published a detailed explanation of the source of our rather lovely “Podcasting Is Selling Music” graphic.

John Buckman from Magnatune gives his explanation of exactly why the image works:

“I think is absolutely brilliant,” commented Magnatune’s John Buckman, who credits the UKPA with the design. “Podcasting is generally viewed as piracy and illegal by the RIAA, ASCAP and others, and they grudgingly give licenses to allow it in a very limited capacity (ie, 30 second samples). But, the reality is that it functions like radio, and helps sell music.”

Future Distribution

April 11, 2007 on 6:11 pm | In event, UKPA | Comments Off

Future Distribution

Dean Whitbread is speaking at this BECTU / BT sponsored Event Monday April 16th.


April 10, 2007 on 9:50 pm | In blog | Comments Off

UK Podcasters Association

The UKPA was founded in April 2006 by podcasters Dean Whitbread, Mark Crook and Paul Nicholls. It is a non-profit organisation with a membership composed of podcasting individuals and companies. UKPA’s remit is to both protect our members’ rights and promote podcasting.

Originally set up in response to licensing and legislative concerns, the UKPA represents more than one third of the independent podcasters in the UK.

In 2006, the UKPA was involved in protecting podcasters’ rights, lobbying the World Intellectual Property Organisation in Geneva, working with the Open Rights Group and the EFF in order to prevent the Broadcast Treaty from including podcasting.

UKPA members made the first concerted attempt in the UK to raise awareness in government about podcasting, promoting it’s value as both a social freedom and an important and fast-developing part of the digital economy.

In September 2006, members set the subscription at £3 per month for private podcasters, and £120 per year for professional organisations, institutions, and commercial companies.

To it’s members, UKPA provides podcast expertise, legal advice and access to the UKPA database. Full members vote on any major changes to the organisation, help to develop community strategies, organise skill exchanges, and share community and business information, research and other data.

UKPA relies on member subscription and voluntary donations for our funding, and members’ involvement for our success.

UKPA Trustees

Current Trustees of UKPA are:

Dean Whitbread (Chairman) Mark Crook (Secretary) and Paul Nicholls (Treasurer)


UKPA is affilliated with PodRepBod in Ireland and Podcastverband in Germany.

UKPA is a member of the Association of Online Publishing.


UK Podcasters Association Ltd, 24 Molesworth Street, Hove, East Sussex BN3 5FL

Tel: 0870 919 2807
Fax: 0870 052 7247
Email: yours [at] ukpodcasters [dot] org [dot] uk

UK Podcasters Association Ltd is a non-profit organisation.

It was formed as a Private Company Limited by Guarantee, Reg. No 5781367 on 13th April 2006 at Companies House, Cardiff, Wales.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

AIM Podcast License

April 9, 2007 on 11:17 am | In AIM, License | Comments Off

Exciting developments in the world of UK music podcasting – UKPA has been in discussion with AIM (Association of Independent Music) about their podcast license. We anticipate making an announcement on this in the next few days.

Coming up in the UKPA Podcast: interview with Simon Wheeler, head of AIM Digital.

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