UK Podcasters End Association
April 9, 2010 on 11:26 pm | In blog, ORG, UKPA | Comments OffThe UK Podcasters Association was founded in 2006 to protect podcasters’ rights, and promote podcasting. The association was dissolved at the end of 2009 after three years of prominent and successful activity, during a time when the media landscape changed completely.
One of UKPA’s major achievements was to put podcasting on the wider stage, establishing podcasting as a high quality option for media producers in radio, television, print and online, competing directly with established media for audiences.
During this disintermediated revolution, millions of people turned away from mainstream media formats and began to create and share in unprecedented ways. As new opportunities emerged, so did legislation. The UKPA’s chair and trustees decided it made good sense for podcasters and media makers to join forces with other podcasting groups and like-minded organisations to ensure that the rights of the many were not sidelined by panicking old media, vested interests and the paid political lobby.
The UKPA was closely allied with the Open Rights Group, aka ORG, and the EFF in its campaigns for podcasting. When the UKPA ended, members were welcomed by ORG.
The UKPA is now closed to new members and renewals, it formally ceased operations as of 22nd August 2009, and was dissolved January 2010.
UKPA Podcast
April 2, 2008 on 6:41 pm | In AIM, blog, event, MCPS-PRS, ORG, Podcast, UKPA | Comments OffWe’ve released the videos from last Saturday’s sessions at the Guardian as two long videos available here.
Also see James Cridland’s notes on the sessions.
Podcasting, Rights and Music – UKPA Event at Guardian Audio, London, March 29th 2008
February 29, 2008 on 5:45 pm | In AIM, blog, event, MCPS-PRS, ORG, Press, radio, UKPA | Comments OffUKPA is hosting a seminar on rights with the Open Rights Group at the Guardian, Farringdon, London, Saturday March 29th 2pm – 5pm and it would be great if you would come and take part.
Becky Hogge and Matt Wells (heads of ORG and Guardian Audio respectively) will be there, as well as representatives from MCPS-PRS and AIM (Association of Independent Music).
ORG will discuss how the EU AVMS Directive could impact negatively upon podcasting (if we let it) and generally explain the current issues facing podcasters as they see them. In the second session, we’ll cover new developments in music and podcasting.
There will be an opportunity afterwards to eat, drink and socialise at a local pub.
Attendance is strictly limited to 50, and places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Sorry but due to security, no tickets are available “on the door” – all places must be booked in advance by March 22nd 2008.
This event is free to UKPA and ORG members.
Please book early to secure your place.
The Scott Room, 60 Faringdon Road, EC1R 3GA – directly opposite 119 Farringdon Road (main Guardian building)
Reception: 020 7886 9890
UKPA Contact number: 0870 919 2807
UKPA Event Email: events [at] ukpa [dot] info
Hope to see you there.
Open Rights Group
November 19, 2007 on 12:16 pm | In blog, ORG, UKPA | Comments Off
Back in April 2006 when the UK Podcasters Association started, we were given advice and support by the Open Rights Group.
As a new organisation, we needed all the help we could get, and ORG gave it. Their intelligence enabled us to go into high-level meetings confidently, fully aware of our rights, and with developed strategies. Since then we have worked with ORG and the EFF to keep podcasting free from bad legislation and heavy-handed regulation.
As ORG celebrates its second birthday, please consider joining, or donating.
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