UK Podcasters Association Ltd was a non-profit organisation which ran from 2006 to 2009. It is now dissolved.
It was formed as a Private Company Limited by Guarantee, Reg. No 5781367 on 13th April 2006 at Companies House, Cardiff, Wales, with a remit to protect its members’ rights and promote podcasting.
UKPA’s membership was composed of podcasting individuals, companies and organisations based in the UK. Originally set up in response to licensing and legislative concerns, the UKPA represented more than one third of the independent podcasters in the UK, and included a broad range of independent podcast producers, SMEs, production and music businesses, and major media organisations, such as Guardian Media Group and Global Radio.
To its members, UKPA provided podcast expertise, legal advice and access to the UKPA database. Full members voted on any major changes to the organisation, and shared business information, research and other data.
UKPA relied on member subscription and voluntary donations for funding. In September 2006, members set the subscription at £3 per month for private podcasters, and £120 per year for professional organisations, institutions, and commercial companies. In 2008 an additional rate was introduced of £250 per year for companies whose turnover exceeded £100,000.
In 2006, the UKPA was involved in protecting podcasters’ rights, lobbying the World Intellectual Property Organisation in Geneva, working with the Open Rights Group and the EFF in order to prevent the Broadcast Treaty from including podcasting.
UKPA members made the first concerted attempt in the UK to raise awareness in government about podcasting, promoting its value as both a social freedom and an important and fast-developing part of the digital economy.
From 2006 – 2008 the UKPA worked with the MCPS – PRS Music Alliance to reform their podcast license. In addition, they negotiated with AIM, the Association of Indepedent Music, establishing the first complete, legal music licensing regime for podcasters in the world.
UKPA was affiliated with many other podcast groups around the world, with strong links to The Radio Academy, BECTU, and the Open Rights Group. UKPA members welcomed into ORG continue to work in the field of online rights.
UKPA Board
The final Chair of the UKPA was Neil Fairbrother who was appointed November 22nd 2008 and served until December 2009. The position was previously held by founder Dean Whitbread from April 2006.
The Trustees of UKPA were its three founder members:
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