UK Podcasters End Association
April 9, 2010 on 11:26 pm | In blog, ORG, UKPA | Comments OffThe UK Podcasters Association was founded in 2006 to protect podcasters’ rights, and promote podcasting. The association was dissolved at the end of 2009 after three years of prominent and successful activity, during a time when the media landscape changed completely.
One of UKPA’s major achievements was to put podcasting on the wider stage, establishing podcasting as a high quality option for media producers in radio, television, print and online, competing directly with established media for audiences.
During this disintermediated revolution, millions of people turned away from mainstream media formats and began to create and share in unprecedented ways. As new opportunities emerged, so did legislation. The UKPA’s chair and trustees decided it made good sense for podcasters and media makers to join forces with other podcasting groups and like-minded organisations to ensure that the rights of the many were not sidelined by panicking old media, vested interests and the paid political lobby.
The UKPA was closely allied with the Open Rights Group, aka ORG, and the EFF in its campaigns for podcasting. When the UKPA ended, members were welcomed by ORG.
The UKPA is now closed to new members and renewals, it formally ceased operations as of 22nd August 2009, and was dissolved January 2010.
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