Sony Podcast Award
November 29, 2006 on 9:10 am | In blog | Comments OffNext year’s Sony Radio Awards will include The Internet Programme Award, which has been created specifically for streamed, Podcast and download programmes. UK Podcasters Association has been pushing for recognition, and a category to include podcasting.
“We now have a more level playing field,” said UKPA Chairman Dean Whitbread. “Thanks go to Trevor Dann, head of the Radio Academy, who had the far-sightedness to organise a meeting with us on his first day in the job, and who persuaded me to join his organisation. It remains to be seen whether the award will go to one of the usual high-profile media suspects, or whether the judges will look at the great range of independently produced content that’s out there.”
Curry Wants A UKPA Tshirt
November 27, 2006 on 7:41 pm | In blog | Comments OffThis may thrill fans of the PodShow host, Adam Curry – about 14 minutes into his podcast Daily Source Code #504, he glowingly describes our fund-raising tshirt.
Tshirts cost £15. Leave comments here and we’ll process your orders – all proceeds go to the UK Podcasters Association – a non-profit company.
Swecasters Join Hands Across The North Sea
November 8, 2006 on 6:54 pm | In blog | Comments OffA new podcast group, Swecasters, has emerged in Sweden which we happily welcome into the national podcast group fraternity. You have to be a native Swede to join this group.
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