What is a Podcast?

May 8, 2009 on 4:20 pm | In education | Comments Off

Podcaster CC Chapman’s daughter Emily Explains It.

Via Podcasting News

NCFE Establishes GCSE Podcasting

June 27, 2008 on 8:37 pm | In education, history | Comments Off

The UK national awarding body, the NCFE has established a school grade in podcasting which is to sit alongside the many vocational awards in the Arts, media and publishing sector.

From the Times:

The UK’s first qualification in podcasting, in which pupils will learn how to make audio and video broadcasts available on the internet or to download on to MP3 players, will begin in September.

The course, awarded by the NCFE (formerly the National Council for Further Education) will run at level 1 (GCSE grades D-G) and allow students to learn the processes of planning and carrying out a podcast.

David Grailey, chief executive of NCFE, said: “Podcasting is fast becoming a part of everyday life – vicars are delivering sermons via podcasts, police departments are launching ‘crimewatch’ video podcasts and schools and colleges are recording lessons via podcasts. It’s therefore vital that we offer people both an understanding and the skills to utilise this technology.”

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