UKPA Thumbs Up
The UKPA Thumbs Up was an award to recognise exceptional effort and achievement in podcasting, awarded to people who were really exceptional in promoting podcasting, which was one of UKPA’s twin aims.
Podcasting can be personal, social, business, educational or non-profit in nature. If your activity developed the economic and the social potential of podcasting, makes more than usual headway in this rapidly developing culture in some innovative, positive and possibly landscape-changing way, then you were eligible for the UKPA Thumbs Up.
UKPA members nominated people for awards. NB: this was not a beauty contest: this was about positive contributions and achievements.
Our first three awards go to
* PodcampUK for grassroots dedication and determinedly “un-conference” spirit
* Podcast Nation / Cheeze for their work in promoting UK podcasting across the board
* Women in Podcasting which addresses the gender divide – less than 20% of UK podcasters are women.
UKPA members were involved in all of these worthwhile projects.
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