Open Rights Group Wiki
May 25, 2006 on 10:04 am | In blog | Comments OffEdited the Open Rights Group wiki to their standard format.
New Members Add Definition To UKPA
May 23, 2006 on 10:56 pm | In blog | Comments OffPleased that UK podcasters are adding their constructive input to the basic set up of the organisation. Thanks in particular to Alasdair of Aycliffe Podcast for his review of the Memorandum and Articles and the Terms and Conditions, which will be revised and improved in response to his meticulous work.
UKPA Members Get Involved
May 19, 2006 on 1:18 am | In blog | 2 Comments
In the midst of much debate about the purpose and relevance of UKPA, we go from strength to strength.
Martin from Green Dragon has designed this logo, perfect for members’ websites and blogs should they wish to add it. I also added some details about who is “behind” UKPA and clarified the Founders’ statement, in response to blog and forum comments.
UKPA Links To German & Irish Podcast Groups
May 14, 2006 on 5:02 pm | In blog | Comments OffUKPA has established contact with German Podcasters Group and the Irish Podcasters Representative Body. Both groups have aims very similar to UK Podcasters Association.
The Irish group is 40+ strong and have met the equivalents of PRS and MCPS IMRO, and are soon due to meet the Irish Recorded Music Association IRMA.
Open Rights Group
May 5, 2006 on 8:24 am | In blog | 12 CommentsEdited the podcast section of the Open Rights Group wiki.
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