New Media Age, May 17th 2007

May 17, 2007 on 12:36 am | In AIM, Licence, music, Podcast, Press, UKPA | 1 Comment

New Media Age: Podcast producers win licence to include full music tracks

We’re starting to get some good press for the AIM agreement which gives UKPA members a preferential rate on their podcast licence. The AIM licence gives access to a 30,000 track archive. Full length no-DRM tracks, for podcasters to use in their music podcasts.

Radio stations typically remove music from their podcasts. This gives UK Podcasters a unique opportunity to re-write the rules for music promotion, opening the door for podcasters to move legitimately into traditional broadcast territory, which will hasten the shift towards media on demand.

The AIM podcast licence covers tracks licensed by the UK independent music industry and includes labels such as V2, XL Recordings, Studio !K7, Cooking Vinyl and Beggars Group. Revenue from the scheme returns to the labels, and artists will be paid as a result of podcasters using their music and paying the licence fee.

If you are a member and you want to get the reduction, contact aimpodcast ->at<- and quote your membership number. If you are not a member, join.

1 Comment

  1. […] tracks are no-DRM and are full length. Read […]

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