ADM Webcast May 21st
May 12, 2009 on 7:55 am | In ADM | Comments OffThe Association for Downloadable Media (ADM) is hosting “The Podcast Consumer Revealed” Webcast on May 21st, 2009, at 1:00 EST. And we hope you can join us.
Tom Webster from Edison Research will present this special joint ADM/Edison Webcast of the fourth iteration of this widely-cited, authoritative look at the growing audience for audio and video podcasts.
The event will be free and requires pre-registration at
Here’s more info straight from the press release.
In the recently published Edison Research/Arbitron 2009 update to their “Infinite Dial” study, results offered up hints of good news for podcasters. With awareness of podcasting increasing from 37% to 43%, and the percentage of Americans who have ever listened to an audio podcast growing to 22%, podcast consumption appears ready to break into the mainstream. According to Edison Research’s Tom Webster, “If you are in the business of creating downloadable media, this is key, significant research that you won’t want to miss.” He goes on to say, “This report and webcast will look at demographics and usage, key audience behaviors, content preferences, and attitudes towards advertising and sponsorships.”
The webcast will last one hour and will include time for your questions. Participants will also be able to download the presentation prior to its wider public release. Details for the webcast are posted at
We’ll look for you on May 21st.
Phil Wilson
Director, ADM
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